The colors and images of the presidential inauguration reminds us of transition, transition of administration and capping off the previous one. Transition that despite the ugly politics here in our country there's still anticipation of something new awaits for us. During his campaign trail, then Senator Aquino, in his campaign ad, would echo from time to time his invitation 'samahan ninyo ako sa daang matuwid'...perhaps an invitation to traverse the road of righteousness and what we can do is to make that choice! This was done by many of us last May 10, 2010.
I honestly did not vote for Noynoy Aquino and was able to vote another presidentiable whom I think has a clear platform and who has intellect and ability. I think I did not waste my vote because all I knew, I voted according to my conscience and that what matters. I am not a staunch supporter of President Noynoy Aquino but I am for change and for change I will participate and will become a staunch supporter of this great revolution of our times. It is not about PNoy or any political figures we admire but it is about us whom we can tap to make this change happen. Sounds a cliche already but no matter how we stated that we are change...this cannot be done without me, you and us. I agree with PNoy to choose the road to righteousness and we must help him. We have now our new job...our occupation: I Work for Change!
Inauguration is over, it's time now to work!