Let me begin my February blog with a love story that some of us may have heard or read already:
A Hindu teacher was passing by a creek when he saw a scorpion at the brink of falling to the stream, he tried to save the scorpion by reaching it with a dried branch but the scorpion stings him all over his arms. Although painful but the Hindu teacher keeps reaching the scorpion and so does the scorpion continues to sting him. A man passing by saw what the Hindu teacher is doing and he tried to stop him saying,
'Please stop, can't you see that you are being stung already?'
The Hindu teacher replied, 'It is the nature of a scorpion to sting but it is my nature to love,'
How many times in your life that keep loving someone even though rejection maybe an equivalent? Rejection is painful especially if it is coming from the very person you loved most. The seemingly efforts to love that person goes to nothing despite the sincerity. But God's love is never wasted even though how many times his people faced back against him and rejects His love. The story of God and the people of Israel is a beautiful love story from the Book of Exodus. God never gave up on loving His people and just like the Hindu teacher in the story, He keeps on reaching to us even until today. Still, we haven't appreciate much of His love but we demand more but He continues to provide even though we have nothing to return.
The ultimate manifestation of God's love is being given to us through His only begotten Son. The very sting of rejection of mankind was stung immensely through His Son when the greatest sacrifice of love is being offered...Christ died on the cross. The most painful sting of rejection that one can feel but it is the most beautiful gift of love that man can offer. 'For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him may not die but have eternal life' (John 3: 16)
God loves you and He keeps reaching out to you...