March 28, 2014

Lenten Season: A Journey, A Renewal...

We are once again in the season of journey and renewal of our faith and selves. Lent is the season that gives us grace of renewal and forgiveness. A time for personal journey to looking back to ourselves and renew our ties with God with whom we have neglected His love for sometime. A time of grace to forgive ourselves and heal the wounds of pride and selfishness. 

Take the journey to God's infinite love and mercy...
For many times we were stumbled by our human frailties and errors, Our Lord carries us in times of hopelessness and dimming faith. His ultimate sacrifice and death are constant reminder that He will accept our difficulties and hardships even at times we committed sins. The cross which He carried for us should be our cross that we must face everyday. For without the cross, we cannot truly attain the true glory of forgiveness and God's love for us...without death, our faith is meaningless that's why resurrection is very significant for the renewal of ourselves and rekindle once more the faith we are believing.

The celebration of the Paschal Mystery is the whole summary of God's endless love to mankind. Our Lord's passion, death and resurrection are not just commemoration to remember but a celebration of love to be shared to others. It's a journey of faith and renewal of ties that once again bind us to God's infinite mercy and compassion. A journey that we should take with full acceptance and willingness to be with God no matter what consequences, hurts, criticisms, etc. that we are bound to face. True Christian follower forget one's self and embraces every hardships and embarking a unique journey of renewal and acceptance.

Hopefully, as we observe and commemorate Christ's passion, death and resurrection...we
take the chance to reflect and pray. Take the journey on the road less traveled and be embraced once more to God's loving arms.