Our acacia tree in our nearby parish is the only surviving tree around the premise that became the living witness of our town;s history. It is one of our treasured heritage in our place because it exists for more than centuries! It surely has gone a long way of our history. Unfortunately, it could not speak nor recount to us what really happened during those chaotic times in the pages of our history. People in our town tend to repeat again the error of our forefathers did in the past.
If only the acacia tree would be able to speak, it would remind us all over again the mistakes that our forefathers have done that we today have really never learned about. During our town's fiesta, our city government gave recognition to that acacia tree hailing as a living mute witness to our history. Today, that tree still stands in its glorious splendor. It serves us a living reminder to all the people who pass by in our church that we should never forget our past, present and even our future.
The Old Church of Sta.Ana in Taguig...photo taken in 18th century, the young acacia tree
stands in front of the church
Our church today and the acacia tree which is more than 400 years of existence